Gouverneur Garden Club
Making Our Community Bloom Since 1946

Garden Club's Plant and Bake Sale

The Gouverneur Garden Club - Annual Plant Sale - May 19, 2023
Connie Stowell, Irene Gardner, Linda Betts, Glenda Bickford, Cande Houghton, Linda Hill, Brenda Willard, Carol Venton, Joann Smith, Phillis Meyers, Rugh McClure, Chris Betrus, Micki Hopper, Sharon Villeneuve, Julie Henry, Bonnie Porter, Kathy Rust, Lea Dickson, Joan Mason, Lynn Nicholl Photo: Rachel Hunter
Each Spring, Garden Club members often brave cold and rainy days to sell plants from their gardens and delicious offerings from their kitchens.
It's a great event and is a great way to share plants, pastries, and goodwill. The event is the Garden Club's major fundraiser.
Photos by Lea Dickson and Carol Vinton. The Group photo was taken by Rachel Hunter, from the Tribune Press.

Plant Sale 2022: From left: Brenda Willard, Irene Gardner - President, Cande Houghton, Chris Betrus, Joann Smith, Kathy Rust, Shelly Bush, Carol Venton, Lea Dickson, Linda Hull, Marylou Trop and Sharon Villeneuve (Photo: Rachel Hunter, May 20, 2022)