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By-Laws of theGouverneur Garden Club - updated 2014



Section I

I. The name of the organization shall be the GOUVERNEUR GARDEN CLUB


Section 2 OBJECT

  1. The object of the club shall be to promote interest in gardening, civic improvement, environmental conservation, arrangement of flowers and to mutually aid the membership by a generous exchange of knowledge and experience.

  2. All meetings shall be conducted with procedures according to Robert's Rules of Order.



Section 3

  1. Membership shall be open to those who indicate a willingness to carry out the objec­tives of the organization and include by amendment those who portray a real interest in the objectives of the club, however are unable to share in committees and/or attend meetings regularly.



Section 4

  1. Officers shall comprise of president, vice-president, recording secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, assistant treasurer. These officers shall constitute the Executive Board.

  2. The president shall assume leadership of the club, presiding at all meetings and appoint chairmen of the committees. She shall be ex-officio of all committees, except the nominat­ing committee.

  3. The vice-president shall assume the duties of the president in her absence and perform such duties as may be assigned to her by the president.

  4. The recording secretary shall keep the minutes of the club's meetings and shall be the custodian of all papers pertaining to the office.

  5. The corresponding secretary shall attend to correspondence as requested by the presi­dent.

  6. The treasurer and/or assistant treasurer shall collect all dues and hold all monies be­longing to the club and shall disburse all funds according to the direction of the member­ship, all bills to be paid by check. The books of said finance shall be audited once a year by the Executive Board.

  7. The Executive Board will be given the power to take immediate action in case of emer­gency. Any vacancy may be filled by the Executive Board.

  8. Nominating Committee presents a roster of candidates for officers within the club at November meeting. Once approved, new officers shall be installed at the December meet­ing and hold their respective offices for a period of two years. If need be before term is up, new officer/s may be elected.

  9. It was approved by unanimous vote of the membership present on November 6, 2014 to include the president, vice-president, recording secretary and corresponding secretary names on account/s concerning the above named organization.




  1. Amendment - The by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds majority provided that the membership have been notified at a previous meeting.



Section 1

  1. Dues - Dues shall be set at $10. per year for active and associate members payable at the annual meeting in March. New members after that time period are also to pay $10. Honor­ary members are exempt from dues.


Gouverneur Garden Club

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